The first step is to fill out this form
Before you go any further you should note that this program will need to be interviewed for. There is NO guarantee you will be accepted in to this program. On average 13% of the people who apply are rejected.
The Ketogenic and Carnivore Lifestyle Program
The “Keto Lifestyle Program” is an intense program that last for 5-6 weeks. Each week there are sessions and each session builds on the previous session. This program is a program only for people who want help, direction, and to be held accountable. I find that most people who undertake this program are those in a “have to” situation due to health or they are simply sick and tired of failure.
The sessions are either in person or are done online through an internet conference system. I will send a link to you that you simply click on the link and you will be connected to me by my video conferencing program. You need a computer with a camera and mic, speakers of course. If you don’t have then you can use your smartphone.
*First thing is that we meet and go over the plan and find out if you are a candidate for this program. Once this interview is done, if you are a candidate for my program and if you want to move forward, you will be directed to the next step. Although the program is set up in a specific way it is still customized for you. This program CANNOT be purchased until after the interview.
Click here to set up the interview date and time
The program consists of 7 sessions and includes 2 different audio sessions for you to listen to. If others are needed, then they can be added on an as-needed basis for an additional cost.
Prior to the start of the program, you will be asked to submit a two-page handwritten, in cursive writing, on plain paper (copy paper) without lines as to why you want to do this program and what benefits you hope to get. Once done you will email me a copy but then send me the original via snail mail. You will tell me why you want to do this program, what it means to you, and the amount of weight your body needs to shed. The reason for the handwritten paper is so that I can review your handwriting. More on this when you start the process.
You will also need to complete the “personality test” located on another webpage. (Click here to be taken to the Personality Test) Once I have these two things we can move forward.
Below is the basic program outline
Keto Lifestyle Plan
Part 1
The first two sessions
Initial hypnosis session: This is to get you comfortable with hypnosis and to condition you for future sessions.
The Prep - Visualizing success - Starting to get healthy
You will choose 5 out of the below-listed sessions
Rewire the way you eat
Mind-Body Connection
Exercise Motivation
Getting sugar addictions under control
Carbohydrates addictions under control
Eating the right foods and Portion control
Eating slower, feel full
Binge, Emotional, and Boredom Eating
*Two Custom Audio sessions for reinforcement. Content will be discussed in order to determine what is needed.
Part 2 - Optional
*If you already have an exercise program or routine you follow this will not be needed.*
The other key component to this program is you must move your body. I really do not like using the word exercise because people think they need to join a gym, take time go to the gym and then actually do something. Well, you don't. This program is very simple but effective High-Intensity Interval Training, HIIT for short, that lays EVERYTHING out for you. The beauty is all you need to commit to is about 15 minutes 3-4 days per week, THAT'S IT!!!
I want you to succeed. I want you to lose the weight you want and look the best you want to....and you can just follow my program.
Note: A Gymboss HIIT timer will be provided to you - we will go over the specific exercises when the time comes. You will be doing a 15-minute exercise session 5 days a week with a total workout time of 75 minutes a week